Use our self-service portal to easily access information and contact us!
Use our self-service portal to easily access information and contact us!
In our Self-Service portal, you can easily get assistance with:
Pre-Delivery Order Questions:Quickly find tracking details or request changes to your order, such as updating your address or modifying product selections. While we cannot guarantee changes, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Post-Delivery Order Questions:Submit a return, request an exchange, or file a claim if there’s an issue with your order.
File Product Claims: Effortlessly file a Warranty Claim for your Ridge gear or a Never Lost Forever Fit Claim for Rings.
Product Information:Get answers to your questions, whether you’re exploring a product or already own it.
Make a Suggestion: Share your ideas for how we can improve Ridge and let us know what you’d like to see next. We’re listening!
Wholesale and Bulk Orders:Apply for Brick and Mortar partnerships or request Bulk Orders, including customized options.
And more!
Our portal is designed to provide quick answers and help us address your concerns efficiently.